Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ADVICE: 10 Tips for Selecting the Perfect Housemate

Most people I have talked to have some kind of share house horror story or better yet – stories! I certainly have my fair share. So I thought I would pass on a bit of wisdom that I have gathered over the years.

My first tip is to imitate the experts! By this I mean treat it like you are interviewing a potential employee. By using HR strategies you too can find the perfect housemate :) .

Please note: although at the outset we endeavored to write a serious helpful guide to finding the perfect housemate, further editing has found a fair amount of silliness added to the mix. Therefore, through off your serious shoes and put on your sense of humor hat...you know what we mean.

Tip # 1: Do Your Research and Be Prepared
Before you do any interviewing or place an ad you should develop a list of qualities and requirements that you are seeking. Use this to develop a list of questions to ask your potential candidates. This helps to avoid any impulse decisions and any mistakes you may later regret. For tips go to: Questions to Ask When Interviewing a New Housemate.

Tip # 2: Sourcing the Right Candidates
Now that you know your requirements the next step is to put this into an ad that will attract the right person. Writing a really good ad outlines what you are looking for and helps others eliminate themselves if they are not suitable. For tips go to: Write a Share Accommodation Advert that Gets Enquiries.

Tip # 3: Assessing Candidates - So, tell me a little bit about yourself…
First things first, you need to suck out as much information about them as you possibly can. The best thing you can do is have your list of questions with you and fire away. What is your occupation (ie. Can they pay the rent?). What do you like to do on weekends (ie. Are you going to spend all weekend at: The Lounge?). What kind of music do you like to listen to (ie. Am I going to come home to death/suicidal tunes?). Alternatively, you could get them to complete an extensive psychometric questionnaire administered by a chimp. That might be going a little too far. But you get the idea. Get creative!

Tip # 4: Will They Fit into the Team?
After extracting as much information as you can from your potential candidate, now is the time to match this to you, your current housemates and your list of requirements. Do you share anything in common? Age, gender, occupation, sports, personality, standards, values etc. I have found that the most important characteristic has always been personality (i.e. can you stand living under the same roof with this person).

Tip # 5: Experience & Training
This tip probably belongs under Tip # 3 – but hey I need 10 tips and I like this heading. What is their opinion on cleaning? Do they consider themselves clean and tidy?

Real Life Experience # 1: Although it is quite common to find people that are a bit untidy, keep in mind that there are a few people whom swing the other way – a little too far the other way. In my early years of share housing, a girl I flatted with had similar housekeeping skills to the husband in “Sleeping with the Enemy.” God forbid you departed the house in a disorderly manner, only to return to find everything back in perfect (eerie like) order. Those people exist, so beware and take care!

Tip # 6: Outside Interests
Do they have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be getting two for the price of one. Make sure you find out if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend and if they stay overnight regularly. Also determine what kind of people they associate with and if you would trust them in your home around your personal belongings.

Tip # 7: Past History - Determine their background.
Why are they looking for share accommodation? Why is the room available? Have they ever been evicted? How long have they lived at the property? This will determine their stability. You want to ask these questions before they move in – maybe over the phone as it is a bit easier. Alternatively, you could take them to the local for a few quite ones. Wait until they are totally plastered and fire away with the hard hitting questions. All a matter of ethics I guess…and no, I haven’t tried this myself.

Real Life Experience # 2: While watching television one night a former housemate casually informed me that he had been a former guest of the state (jail if you didn’t get it). Not exactly a conversation starter. But this did teach me the very important lesson of checking out their past history. And just in case you are wondering - nothing bad happened.

Tip # 8: Making the Decision
Always do reference checks and never make a decision straight away. Sleep on it and then contact them the next day. Ask for references from past housemates, employers, and previous rental references. Get a second opinion. Ask your friends and family to meet them first before they move in. And, always trust your instincts.

Tip # 9: Orientation – How to Lay the Groundwork for Success
Before they move in make sure you discuss rent, expenses, bonds and leases at the beginning. When they move in show them around and introduce them to the new team. They’ll appreciate it if finding the bathroom isn’t the biggest accomplishment of their second day. Discuss the household rules, cleaning roster (if you have one), behavior you will not tolerate etc. If you let them know in the beginning this avoids problems and disputes later on down the track.

Tip # 10: Have fun!
Not all of share housing is dirty dishes and listening to bad music. You do occasionally meet some good people.

As always, enjoy!

If there is something you think we have missed, be sure to let us know so we can share your questions. Email us at feedback@ziggie.com.au or go to our feedback page.

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